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As you enter the library, you'll notice our new location for new books. Come by and look at our latest additions, covering subjects from photography and trains to CSS and organ transplants. We have new biographies of Peanuts creator Charles Schulz and baseball's Branch Rickey.
Isms is a brief guide to major religions; How Much Should a Person Consume looks at environmentalism in the U.S. and India. The newest book in the Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands series gives tips for doing business in Asia.
Interested in why humans act as they do? Flavor of the Month explains why smart people fall for fads, Happier helps one understand the nature of happiness, and Social Intelligence explains the science of human relationships.
Happy reading!
Isms is a brief guide to major religions; How Much Should a Person Consume looks at environmentalism in the U.S. and India. The newest book in the Kiss, Bow or Shake Hands series gives tips for doing business in Asia.
Interested in why humans act as they do? Flavor of the Month explains why smart people fall for fads, Happier helps one understand the nature of happiness, and Social Intelligence explains the science of human relationships.
Happy reading!
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