McPherson College Miller Library

This library blog will keep you up-to-date on what's happening in Miller Library.

Location: McPherson, Kansas, United States

Monday, April 14, 2008

National Library Week

Join the Circle of Knowledge @ your library during National Library Week, April 13-19.
Did you know academic librarians answer 72.8 million reference questions each year - that's almost twice the attendance at college football games!
You can ask reference questions at Miller Library by coming in, phoning ext. 2487, emailing, finding Susan Taylor on Facebook, IM (instant messaging) Susan Taylor on Windows Messenger, using the AskMac links on the library webpage and/or EbscoHost Database page.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Announcing PIYP Day

Miller Library will host Poem in Your Pocket Day on Tuesday, April 29, to celebrate National Poetry Month.

First, we encourage you to carry a poem in your pocket to share with others that day. We will have some poems available in Miller Library, if you’d like one of our selections.

Second, we will be having a PIYP contest. A list of ten poems will be announced through e-mail (with hard copies available at the library) at 8 a.m. on April 29. Your task is to discover who in our campus community is carrying each poem in his/her pocket. For example, a poem entitled “Egypt Poem” by Suzy Vidal might be carried by Herb Smith, who is leading an Interterm trip to Egypt, or the poem “The Library” by Albert Goldbarth might be in the pocket of Miller Library employee Rick Robbins.
The first person who identifies all ten correctly, or the person who identifies the most by 5 p.m., will receive a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

Third, the library will host a poetry reading (time TBA) where the winners of the McPherson College English Department’s 5th Annual Poetry Contest will be announced.

More detailed contest rules will follow.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Jazz Appreciation Month

April is Jazz Appreciation Month. Stop by Miller to pick up a jazz CD…we have Duke Ellington, Lionel Hampton, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald, Dave Brubeck, Jelly Roll Morton, Diana Krall, Woodie Herman, and more. Can’t find your favorite jazz musician? Let us know, and we’ll try to add something by your favorite artist. And check out the Smithsonian’s jazz webpage for more resources: